Monday, September 08, 2008

September Blooms...

Canna Lilies

Crepe Myrtle

Angel Trumpet

Spider Lilies



Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous flowers. You're doing a good job growing them. It's so nice to see something you work so hard on bloom into something so beautiful. I love flowers

Connie said...

Great photos. I wish I lived in a more mild climate ...

GingerJar said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Do ya want to hear a canna lilly story???? Do Ya??? Read on.

I was a little girl about 4 years old in Santa Barbara, California. Mom threw us out to play outside like she did everyday it was pretty (hello, California...sunny 300 days or more a year! LOL) ANYWAY for some reason this particular day (before I was even old enough for kindergarden) we were digging with spoons in the flowerbed. Now, knowing my mother as well as I do I can assure you she never planted anything bigger than a cigarette butt in that flower bed...and if truth be know...she also does her best work with silk, negligee's ...whatever!). This particular day ...there we were armed with the best silverware, I think it came from the 5 and dime, and I dug up this beautiful pristine white root...I remember it looked like an icecycle 4 year old little mind thinks...that sure looks tasty!!!! My brother looks at me...sure Sissy, it looks good....I bet you could eat it...nuff said.

OH MY GOD! Let me tell ya something about Canna Lilies...they must be death lilies because I thought the curse of Satan had lite on my tongue! Now I would say Jalopena's...all I could scream them was HOT HOT HOT HOT....

Well mom, washed my mouth out with soap of course, and ran me to the ER, where this fine Dr. Gave me meds to make me puke (emetics they are called)...nothing they gave me worked (I was very good at not puking) after about 5 doses of the meds...I finally had their result....

5 hours later to my mothers dismay...the "cure" was still working! Moral of the story...if you dig it's not necessarily eatible.

Crazy Momma said...

Great pictures! Here in NH we don't get many blossoms this time of year...but the leaves change instead and leave us with an entirely different beauty!

Thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday and sharing in the love!

Gail said...

They're absolutely gorgeous! Does the white Angel Trumpet bloom only at night? Mom has one that she calls a Moon Plant that looks like yours and the only time she can enjoy it is to go out in the dark with a flashlight. Seems pointless to me but she loves it. I am not going to have a plant that is completely closed when I'm up and open when I'm shut down for the night.