Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Great Aunt Gladys and Cello perfume

My Great Aunt Gladys always bought her "Cello" perfume from the big department stores around town, such as Rich's; Parisian's; etc. When she went in the nursing home, she asked momma to pick up some for her. Momma searched all around town for it. Aunt Gladys got a little irritated at her and said, "I've never had a problem finding it." "What's wrong with you?"

So momma, searched with renewed fervor to find the ever elusive perfume. She went to every department store and they all said, "No such thing." They told her to find out more information about the perfume from the aunt. Momma came back and asked Aunt Gladys who made this perfume. She didn't have a clue. Momma then asked her how do you spell the name of the perfume. Aunt Gladys replied, "Even an idiot knows how to spell Cello...C - H - L - O - E!!!!!" My momma about fell out of her chair. That was just one of the many funny things my Great Aunt said and did.

Will share some more later...


Insane Mama said...

I loved Cloe perfume, still do. Cute story

Gail said...

Warn me next time it is going to be a funny one. I just about wet my pants (just kidding.) I loved June Cleaver, uh, I mean Gladys. She reminded me so much of LEAVE IT TO BEAVER'S Mom. She was always fixed no matter what day or what time of day it was. I remember one time we went to see her because she was sick. Her hair was in rollers as sick as she was. She nearly died for us to see her in rollers. She even had make-up on while she laid on the couch taking her medicine. Seems like yesterday but it was a loooooooooong time ago.
Luv ya!!!!

Tracy said...

ohhhh goodness, too funny!