Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Materials for the shop arrived

We will have the shop finished by Thanksgiving. The materials arrived to day and Eddie is ready to start it up. Then he will be able to put all his tools inside and build cabinets and such out of the weather. He makes wonderful wood items. Above is a pair of bookends he made his mother.

I talked with my brother Chris today. He updated me on how the Guwin Clarks are getting by. I am glad they are all doing okay. My two nieces and my nephew were all Darth Vader for Halloween. I can't wait to see pictures. LOL

I also talked with my sister-in-law, Brenda for a couple of seconds she had to go take care of a bank customer. She was wanting to talk about Thanksgiving plans. We need to lock down a date for all the families to be there.

Shannon also called just to say Hi. She and her boyfriend are headed this way this weekend.
So I will be cleaning house until they arrive. LOL

I am going to watch The Ring Two, have a good night.

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