Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We had homemade Mexican for dinner

I made tacos for dinner. Mexican is my favorite food. I could only eat one thinly made soft taco. On the other hand, Eddie had six hard shell taco supremes. He said they were delish. It's a good thing I cook so good since Eddie likes to eat.

I didn't try to make anything tonight for Shannon's wedding decor. I am so relieved that she got a photographer. I think everything is going to turn out really well. Wish us luck with this thing called love.

HeHeHe I took my Ambien by the way, can't you tell!


1 comment:

Velta said...

If you can eat Mexican food, you can try the Hormel Turkey with Beans Chili...delish...You might want to take that Ambien a little later in the night....LOL