Sunday, August 05, 2007

All about nothing...

I have been working every Saturday and my only off day is Sundays. I had every intention of getting some stuff done today, but it didn't get done.

Eddie wanted to get out of the house for a while (getting cabin fever), since he has not been able to work. His back pain has not gotten any better, I doubt it will. So we went to Montgomery to get some weather stripping to put around the door, and I wanted to go by A. C. Moore to see if they had any paddle eyepins for beading. They did not. I guess I will have to order some online. I did find a bead store in Montgomery. I will have to check it out soon. By the time we went to Montgomery and back there was no time to do much of anything else.

I was going through my pictures for Shannon. She is participating in a baby photo contest at her work. This is the picture she submitted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute baby pic. Sorry to hear about Eddie's back. I hope he is able to get better.