Friday, September 08, 2006

Some dreams don't come true

Some dreams don't come true and that should not be considered a bad thing. Our lives follow twists and turns on the journey road to our future. One minute we see the future clearly, straight ahead, exactly as we have planned it and the next minute something changes and we are looking at something completely different altogether. It may be we were uprooted in our plans because that was not the right path we should have been following. But being such resilient human specimens as we are, we pull up our boot straps and carry on in the new path that has been set before us.

We could imagine it as God choregraphing us in this big dance production number and we keep trying to tap out our own little steps and He has to keep bringing us back to His original routine. So when we dream for something and it doesnt come true, that doesnt mean our lives are shattered and not worth living, it just means that we should dream another dream and perhaps, if it is God's design for us, it will come true.

My dream is for health, happiness, and prosperity for my family and friends in all that they endeavor. I pray that God will enrich our lives and bless us with His wisdom in choosing the right paths to follow on the road of life, that He keep us safe from harm and evil, and that we will continue to seek refuge in His loving arms. I also pray that He would heal our hurts and sicknesses so that we may grow stronger in His love and become more effective witnesses for His son.

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